Baali News
[02.11] Quite a few new faces in the Swarm along with new Leaders and Heads of Sects...Congrats to Cyenide on Leader and Mari and Malfyrr for stepping up to serve the Dark Lord more intimately as Number One and Number Two. Leala took the reigns as CDS Head and Sera as SoT Head Good Luck Guys!
[10.04.04]There's a whole lotta shakin' goin on! Quite a few new faces in the Swarm along with new co-heads of Sects...congrats to Dobby and Sasari for stepping up to serve the Dark Lord more intimately.
[07.21.04] Baali's transformation is complete. The new leaders are Typh, Gibimcri, and Cyn. Ba'al is pleased.
[07.14.04] It shook the Baali website to the very foundations, but we're back and better than ever! The Swarm should notice many improved benefits of more allotted bandwidth and storage space. Additionally, all members may gain direct access to the Forums.
[06.23.04] It pleases Ba'al greatly to see the Cathedral brimming with new blood. His Swarm is doing well to seek out evil in the Realms. At the command of the dark Lord, the Satarel of Arkhaios takes its place in the history books of Baali. Into the shadows she hides, and emerges a new woman. Cower in fear, as Jolie is Veltheera.
[02.10.04] In the battle of good versus evil, one dark soul rises up to claim the crown of Heretic. In their wisdom as leaders, Typh and Azhdeen have appointed Veltheera as Baali 2nd, and Ba'al welcomes her into his Core.
[02.09.04] As we say goodbye to another of our honored members, Zixi walks away from the battleground and appoints Daonmyk to take his place as JLD.
[02.06.04] With a heavy heart, our Obdurati, Mbwana, fades into the shadows of retirement. The Swarm wishes him well and will miss him. Details on how the new 2nd is to be selected will be posted shortly.
[01.26.04] Our dark lord, Ba'al, nods in acceptance as Louis is named the new head of CDS and Veltheera is named the new head of SoT. The Swarm will surely benefit from their direction.
[01.20.04] It has been fairly quiet with the holidays. However, a number of our recent inductees are no longer on probation. Additionally, with Vilari's departure from the Swarm and Capercaillie's request to step down, CDS and SoT leader positions are now open. Contact a leader if you are interested in either position.
[11.17.03] The Swarm welcomes Ahtu and Ein into its ranks.
[11.13.03] Our little Capers rises up from the shadows to be named head of SoT. Congratz, Capercaillie!
[11.12.03] By decree of Ba'al, the Swarm now has access to the Baali Forum. Use it wisely.
[11.06.03] The Swarm welcomes a number of new faces to its ranks, including Drune, Grimlock, Kacy, Phalar, Poromenos, and Zyandra. Ba'al is most pleased.
[11.03.03] Ba'al nods acceptingly as one of his own is sent to mingle among the deadlies. Shadrack will make a great Deity of her own clan.
[11.01.03] The Swarm rejoices as Capercaillie returns from the darkness. Welcome home, Caper.
[10.24.03] Applications for Baali are closed until further notice.
[10.06.03] The results of the elections are in and congratulations are in order for Typh and Azhdeen. With Zenobia's retirement, Mbwana is the new Leader of Baali. Typh is now the 1st and Azhdeen is 2nd.
[08.19.2003] Baali 2nd is now open. Please mudmail your application to Myra, Zenobia, and Mbwana. Myra has taken over design and update of the Baali website. Please send all comments and questions to her.
[08.18.2003] With a saddened farewell, Maarkan resigns as Baali 1st. With Maarkan's resignation, Mbwana has been promoted to 1st.
[07.15.2003] Mbwana has been elected as the new 2nd. Mari is now head of SoT. We welcome Odessyus to the Swarm.
[07.07.2003] We welcome Corthayne and Louis to the Swarm.
[06.28.2003] Elections for Baali 2nd are now open. The 3 candidates are: Daeliz, Mbwana, and Typh. Please mudmail your vote for second to Zenobia, Maarkan, and Myra.
[06.21.2003] Nominations are open for Baali 2nd. Please mudmail your selection to Zenobia, Maarkan, and Myra.
[06.18.2003] Baali mourns the departure of Taboo as their darkest Deity. The Council of Elders has awarded this position to Myra.
[06.10.2003] Celebrations are in order for the Dark Mistress Zenobia. Her very own Swarm has increased with the birth of Connor. The little tyke measures in at 6lbs 13oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Congratulations, Zenny!
[06.03.2003] Due to RL obligations, Cedon is stepping down from Baali 1st. With is resignation, Maarkan has has been promoted to 1st. We welcome Dascia, Maralia, Mari, Morgane, and Kerstin to the Swarm.