Baali History
In the beginning...
Caine wandered alone through the Land of Nod. After many years, he returned to the children of Seth so that his loneliness would be at an end. All who beheld him wondered at his power, and they made him a ruler among men. He was a good and kind ruler, but as the darkness inside him grew, he forbade the worship of the One Above and began to sate his appetite for blood upon the innocent. The people grew to fear him, although they still honored and respected him. Despite the loyalty of his subjects, Caine still hungered for the companionship of his own kind.
Delving into dark and forbidden arts, Caine searched for an answer to his dilemna. The answer was delivered to him as he consorted with powerful demons. Nn'theraq'pss, a great Lord of Hell, appeared unto Caine with the knowledge needed to end his solitude.
In return for the dark secret, Caine promised that all of his line would worship the evil lord, becoming it's priests as a mockery to the One Above. As he prepared to create his first childe, the angel of death appeared before him. Uriel told Caine that any childe of his would bear his curse, and be doomed to forever walk the Land of Nod, fearing flame and sun, drinking blood and eating ashes.Disregarding the advice of the angel, Caine did begat Enoch who did create his own childer. After many years, Enoch's joy in his children faded, and he left his kindred to wander the Land of Nod.
Long had Enoch wandered the burning wastelands when he did the one thing he swore he would never do. He came upon a man asleep at an oasis and drained his life's blood. In instant remorse he did share his own blood with the man, and in this way, Enoch did beget Saulot. Enoch spent much time with Saulot, a philosopher, speaking of a great many things. He was a great comfort to Enoch, until the Beast which slept within Saulot began to awaken. In his despair, Enoch fled into the Land of Nod, never to return.
Saulot created a great many childer after Enoch's departure. Scholars, artists, and priests all were chosen by Saulot. Although they were of his line, his children fought amongst themselves, battling as though they were the bitterest of enemies. In remorse, Saulot fled into the Land of Nod, like Enoch and Caine before him, to find purpose in his life.
There in the burning wastelands, an angel appeared to him while he lay sleeping, offering a chance to repent of all the evil that he had done. Saulot embraced his chance at redemption, and returned to his kin to attempt to save them all.
Foundation of the Baali
Shaitan, the eldest of Saulot's children, resented his fathers intrusion though. He felt that his father was weak and despised him. He began to conspire with dark powers. Shaitan and his followers began to wrest the city from it's rightful rulers, turning the once great city into a charnel house. It was there, that Nn'theraq'pss (the true name of Ba'al) appeared unto him, promising him power, power even unto bringing down the One Most High in exchange for eternal servitude and his dark, twisted soul. Shaitan agreed instantly.
Under the guidance of Nn'theraq'pss, cities were conquered overnight, their denizens offered up as sacrifices to the Dark Lord's insatiable hunger. Angered by the destruction though, the leaders of the clans united against the Baali. Numbering only 13, the Baali were as lambs to the slaughter. Only one had escaped the carnage. Warned by Nn'theraq'pss, Shaitan had made good his escape the night before. He wandered to the east, where he once again began to spread the dark message of the Baali.
Baali infiltration of the Realms
Zarkas, one of Shaitan's loyal childer, roamed the lands to spread Nn'theraq'pss' dark worship. Wandering amongst many realms, he found one that had never been touched; The Realms of Despair. Using his serpentine, silver tongue and prowess in the arts of war, Zarkas earned the respect of many, and began to establish himself amongst the most powerful denizens of the Realms.
Selecting only among those with the most influence, he took a bride, his soulmate Siriana, and they began to choose those who would build the dark empire. The next to choose the dark path was Iliana, angelic and pure in appearance, who had a heart of purest, blackest evil. Iliana whispered dark promises to Daedalas, who chafed under the constraints of his elders and wished for more power. Zarkas and Siriana then left for new lands, leaving Iliana and Daedalas to form the foundations of the new order. Together, Daedalas and Iliana turned Lascivias, the dark goddess, and Bhaal, the master thief, to the worship of the dark one.
Lascivias, spent many hours repairing the damage caused to a ruined cathedral, turning it into a glorious unholy temple consecrated to the worship of Nn'theraq'pss, every room filled with sacreligious artifacts and demon spirits, while Daedalas, Iliana and Bhaal sorted amongst the citizens of the Realms for those worthy enough to be called Baali.