Servitors of Tragedy

"We are the Servitors of Tragedy, we live to die for our master Ba'al. We are the hands of Ba'al. Cut one hand off, and two more grow ready to take its place. You cannot hope to defeat us; we grow stronger everyday. You do know, at least, that we exist. We are among you as a brother, a friend, or even a lover. We gently corrupt that which you think is holy. We are the whispers that you hear in the wind; you obey us without conscience. We are the shadows in the light ever so eager to please only to betray you when you are your most weakest. We are the Baali."

Pledge of the Servitors of Tragedy

As told by Vladith, Dark Sorcerer of the Swarm:

The Servitors of Tragedy are the heart of Ba’al, if such a thing exists. Without them, we would not exist. They are the foundation of this Order. They are the eyes and ears of Ba'al. They walk among commoners, mix with the upper crust, and whisper dark temptations in the ears of the noble, corrupting the unsuspecting. The Baali are not without thought or direction, and the Servitors are the mighty hand of Ba’al, swinging into action when called upon by the Order. When you feel a pair of eyes scrutinizing you from across the room or when a stranger bumps into you on the street, look a little closer. When you hear a whisper in your ear, when you fear, when you loathe, and when you hate, Baali is there.

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