Justicari La Dis

After the defeat of Nergal and the destruction of Chorazin, many Baali were hunted and met their “final” death. All clans rose against Baali driving the few remaining loyalists into hiding. Baali became almost non-existent in the eyes of other kindred, and they soon lost interest in the Baali. With the rise of Christianity, Baali became intrigued by the new faith. At first only small meetings took place as the children of Nergal enticed the Christians with promises of wealth and power. Soon they began an all out campaign to seduce this new cult. Years passed and Baali made progress controlling the Christians and their flock. Baali began anew; deciding the budding young religion was well suited for their dark plans. Rebuilding old swarm-holds and erecting new nests, Baali turned to the arte of warfare for their divine inspiration. Once firmly rooted in the house of God Baali founded Justicari La Dis. This elite militant order was formed to protect Baali interests. Often finding those not sympathetic with Baalian causes The Dis rooted them out and destroyed them. The Knights flourished under the Hand of Ba’al, and soon Baali began to grow strong once more. .

There is a single, blood-slicked cord that is entwined amid the myriad of activities that amuse the Baali. It is a primal desire that entices one's attention away from the task at hand. It lurks in the back of the mind. No one is immune to its call. It is Self. Pride. Vanity. Greed. The desire to advance is paramount to everything the Baali do. The Justicari La Dis are assigned the task of directing that desire.

The Baali that wear the Justicari La Dis (JLD) insignia are tacticians of the macabre. Some specialize in certain areas and know better than anyone how to bring specific creatures to their death. Others are generalists that can adapt their killing prowess to whatever target is set before them. The one desire they all share is the desire to be the best. Not only in their own knowledge, their own abilities, but also in the abilities of those around them. After all, one can make an impression but many cause terror.

The JLD ensure each member of Baali is sufficiently informed in the ways of killing. They see to it each are sufficiently armed and dressed to carry the word of Ba'al to the Realm. Their mandate is the brutal annihilation of life, the maintenance of Baali's armaments and the insidious expansion of the Order war-chest. Their single-minded devotion to Self is nurtured and taught to every Baali so that they themselves might benefit.

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